Tidy gear, tidy game
We're loving this time of year and seeing so many golfers enjoying their time out on the golf course.
We also love having those big summer competitions on the horizon and can’t wait to see how they unfold! Do you have a particular comp you’re really trying for this year?
These two aspects of your gear are vastly different but they have one thing in common: they both get less effective the more wear-and-tear they’re put through.
If you’re gearing up for a busy competition, it’s important to think about how you manage your equipment so that everything is match-ready, and you don’t give yourself any last-minute nasty surprises. It’s a horrible feeling not having any decent balls at the ready!
You may regularly clean your clubs or always have your outfits coordinated, but how do you treat your bag? And do you always have a fresh glove at the ready?
Why do we wear gloves?

The more time you spend thinking about gloves, the more you may start to question why we wear them. Why do we wear them? Can you remember the very first time you tried on a golf glove? Like any piece of clothing built for a specific purpose that you haven’t worn before, it may have felt as unfamiliar as slipping into a wet suit.
Some golfers prefer to wear one glove, some golfers enjoy wearing a glove on each hand, and some golfers don’t like to wear golf gloves at all. You’ll rarely see a golfer wearing a glove when putting too, but the simple fact is there are no set rules about how you wear yours. Maybe it’s just tradition?
How golf gloves help your game

Wearing gloves might just not be your thing, and that’s totally fine. But golf gloves have been carefully designed to give you a better feel when holding your golf clubs. From amateurs trying to do well in a local competition, to professionals aiming to win on tour, golfers of all backgrounds use gloves because they feel good.
If you do use one, a golf glove is arguably the most important part of your gear. This intimate piece of apparel covers your hand and ensures you have the best point of contact with the club. Without a decent glove ready, you’ll be liable to slip the club in your hands and mishit the ball.
Let’s take a minute to compare gloves to wedges. These two aspects of your gear are vastly different but they have one thing in common: they both get less effective the more wear-and-tear they’re put through. A wedge won’t have the same pristine grip on the ball after 100 rounds as it did when it was new, and a glove with frayed edges and split fabric won’t give you an effective grip on the club.
We’re always on-hand to give you our expert advice when it comes to golf. If you’re thinking of getting some new gloves in your bag but you don’t know what would best suit you, please contact us in the pro shop. We’d be happy to help.